
Once a month
30 minutes
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What is Phytopeeling?
Phytopeeling is a powerful deep exfoliation treatment that combines both mechanical and chemical effects, utilizing herbs, sea plants, minerals, enzymes, and vitamins in powder form.

Unlike traditional chemical peels, Phytopeeling is completely safe and does not contain any acids or chemical additives, making it ideal for sensitive skin types. It does not thin the skin, cause photosensitivity, or result in any adverse side effects.
Phytopeeling Works:
The treatment is performed using a specialized massage technique. The herbal crystals in the treatment accelerate the exfoliation of the skin’s outer layers, promoting cellular regeneration.

The exfoliation is controlled and gentle, leaving the skin visibly improved. After the treatment, the skin appears smoother, younger, and free from open pores, scars, surface pigmentation, and other discoloration issues.
Benefits of Phytopeeling
  • Effectively treats skin disorders such as acne, excessive oiliness, sagging, or wrinkles.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, giving the skin a radiant, clear, and glowing appearance.
  • Removes surface pigmentation, normalizes the skin’s texture, and eliminates discoloration.
  • Naturally and safely rejuvenates the skin while removing imperfections.
  • Recommended for
    Phytopeeling is effective for treating a variety of skin conditions such as:
    • Scars and marks
    • Enlarged pores
    • Wrinkles
    • Hyperpigmentation (sunspots, melasma)
    • Sagging skin
  • Frequency of Sessions
    Phytopeeling can be repeated as needed without harmful side effects, but it should not be performed more than once a month. It can be applied to the face, back, arms, and buttocks.
  • Session Duration
    30 minutes