Pressotherapy - Detox Therapy

1-2 times
per week
30-40 minutes
per session
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beauty places
What is Pressotherapy -
Detox Therapy?
Pressotherapy is a non-invasive, painless technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory systems. The therapy uses a pressure system that increases lymphatic flow, improving venous circulation and aiding in the removal of toxins from the body.

This treatment is particularly effective for lymphatic drainage, anti-edema action, and promoting metabolism. It helps with fat burning, reduces cellulite, and provides a unique feeling of relaxation and physical well-being.
How Does Antitox Therapy Work?
The therapy operates using air pressure, which acts naturally on the venous and lymphatic circulation, addressing problems like cellulite, fluid retention, and local fat deposits.

The sequence of pressure helps fluid flow in the lymphatic and circulatory systems, contributing to effective detoxification and better circulation.
  • Recommended for
    Pressotherapy is a completely painless and relaxing treatment. It is beneficial for stress relief as it reduces muscle and nerve tension. It's also ideal for women with cellulite, broken capillaries, or varicose veins, as the treatment does not generate heat.
  • Frequency of Sessions
    1-2 times per week
  • Session Duration
    30-40 minutes per session