
2 sessions
per week
30 minutes
per session
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What is Ultratone?
Ultratone Electrotherapy is a passive exercise therapy designed to strengthen and tone muscles. It works as a form of passive physical exercise, helping to reshape body curves, improve posture, and contribute to inch loss. This treatment leaves the user feeling refreshed and with a sense of well-being.
How Does
Ultratone Work?
Muscles are made up of muscle fibers, each supported by several nerves. These nerves are stimulated by the electrical current, leading to the contraction and tightening of the muscle fibers.

The nerves that control movement are called motor nerves, and by repeatedly stimulating these nerves using electrical impulses, muscle tone is improved over time.
  • Recommended for
    Electrotherapy is suitable for both men and women. It can be applied to any area of the body depending on the specific needs and goals of the individual.
  • Frequency of Sessions
    2 sessions per week
  • Session Duration
    30 minutes per session